
When you wish upon a star當你對著星星許願時

Like a bolt out of the blue就像從藍天中一道閃電


When you wish upon a star

Suddenly it comes in view 突然它泛起在面前

She brings to those who love她為那些懂得愛 翻譯


作曲: Leigh Harline, Ned Washington



When you wish upon a star 當你對著星星許願

They possess a gift or two 人們具有一兩件禮品

No request is too extreme沒有一樣所求是太極真個

Anything your heart desires你心裏所想要的

Suddenly it comes in view 突然它出現在眼前

Will come to you都會來到你這裏

When you wish upon a star當你對著星星許願時

As dreamers do像做夢的人一樣

The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing帶來他們所秘密渴想的甜美實現

She brings to those who love她為那些曉得愛的人

When you wish upon a star當你對著星星許願時

原唱: Cliff Edward

Like a bolt out of the blue就像從藍天中一道閃電

No request is too extreme沒有一樣所求是太極端

影片供給者(僅卡拉OK伴唱)Ed Angeles

Makes no difference who you are豈論你是誰都沒有差異


Anything your heart desires你心裏所想要的


If your heart is in your dream假如你 翻譯心仍在你夢裏

英文進修。-> 翻譯社 ,-> 翻譯公司 的-> 翻譯

Suddenly it comes in view 突然它出現在眼前


Fate is kind命運是仁慈的



刊行: 1940

When a star is born

Will come to you城市來到你這裏

Your dreams come true 你的好夢成真了


As dreamers do像做夢 翻譯人一樣

When you wish upon a star 當你對著星星許願

If your heart is in your dream當你的心仍在你夢裏


Fate steps in and sees you through 命運踏進來 並助你渡過難關

Makes no difference who you are非論你是誰都沒有不同

They have the power to make a wish come true 人們有了讓願望實現的威力


wish upon a star=對著星星許願to make no difference=都沒有差別extreme=極真個fulfillment=實現longing=渴望bolt=閃電to come in view=出現在面前come true=成真see sb through=助或人渡過難關、看到或人做到完成為止


Cliff Edward 翻譯英文歌─When you wish upon a star─當你對著星星許願+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

When you wish upon a star當你對著星星許願時

作詞: Leigh Harline 翻譯公司 Ned Washington

Your dreams come true 翻譯好夢成真了

Fate is kind命運是善良的

The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing帶來他們所機要盼望的甜蜜實現


One of them is this 此中一件是這個

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